Jenny (Maass) Klobuchar is a newly married, ran-off-with-my-husband kind of woman!! Jenny and Rick eloped privately on August 5th, 2016, in Safety Harbor, Florida.


Jenny, a vibrant teacher, speaker, actor, and humorist –  infects her audience with laughter and passion for the things of the Lord.She truly loves people and lives to see lives changed. Her energy and ease make her an instant delight for people of all ages and walks of life.

“Jenny is a charismatic, fun, authentic, resilient, passionate, spark plug of encouragement.” ~ SheSpeaks team 2013

Jenny is from Tampa, a graduate of Cedarville University and has traveled and lived as a missionary all over the world, from huts in the African bush to underground churches in China. Jenny’s ministry draws from these experiences, as well as her navigations through life as a single woman.

“You are a natural born leader, speaker, entertainer. Jenny, you haven’t changed in 10 years both in your personality and looks. You have aged well!! I am excited to be in this group, thank you for having me.” ~J.Houle

Currently, she is on staff at Harborside Christian Church and directs a new program for college age called eighteentwentythree. Jenny has had experience overseeing multiple Large Group Worship productions within Harborside’s Surfside Kids children’s ministry and still speaks to women, young adults, and her passion for ages 18-23 year old students. She also taught drama at a private school in Safety Harbor, and has received additional training at She Speaks Conference hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries. Jenny received her Master’s degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2006.

She is a “home-run” ~ Cindy Bultema, author of Red Hot Faith

Speaking opportunities for Jenny have ranged from addressing  2,800 university students to igniting new believers age 50+ in their faith. She is able to connect with young girls, reach out to busy mothers, and challenge mature women as well. Jenny finds friends in every age and audience, but she especially loves connecting with and challenging students and upcoming generations.

Booking Information

Jenny is an ordained minister and she lives to use the talents God has given her. She is blessed to share her passion with you. Contact Jenny and she will accommodate your request as her schedule allows.

Online Ordination Certificate pic

In the mean time pray; for her and lives around the world to know that HE is God.