What do you reap in your life today?

Go ahead. Step out into the fields of your life…your field of relationships, your emotional garden, your orchard of character… what are you reaping?

“What do you mean?”

I mean, what do you see…today…in your life?

Fields of healthy friends growing unhindered? or fields neglected and tangled with weeds and thorns. Neglected relationships and lives tangled with confusion, division and negativity.

Do you see a delicate beautiful garden, emotions patient and disciplined, tended and cared for? or do you see dry emotionless soil, unable to yield a colorful blossom?

Do you walk through the ripe, low hanging fruit of your character? Sweet and nourishing to those passing by? or is your character withered, lacking nutrients and bitter to those who encouter you?

I mean what is shown there is what was sown there.

Continue reading What do you reap in your life today?

Prescribed Pain

Pain is never a solution.  But in God’s book it’s a means to an end. You are not what* you’ve done. You are not identified or categorized in life by your pain. You do not have to be that person now or for the rest of your life, and that one thing does not define you or dictate your future. You do.

Continue reading Prescribed Pain

Half the Harlot

Ever get tired of hearing all talk and no action? A friend of yours keeps talking about getting together; keeps saying they want to meet you and catch up. They just keep talking about it. You don’t believe it because it’s not happening.

You don’t believe what people say, you believe what people do.

It’s like crickets. And no one’s moving. Watch Jim Carrey’s reaction to all this talk about ‘fickle times’ in Fun with Dick and Jane.

Do you think God might feel that way? He looks down on a bunch of people who all say they know Him and profess to have faith and believe in Him. But no one is doing anything.

James throws some sarcastic humor at us by basically saying, “Oh great! That’s great. You believe in our One True God. Well that’s just flipping awesome. Continue reading Half the Harlot

The Best Way to Start (and End) Your Day

Best way to start your day: face down in prayer. Don’t take one step forward in your day without holding the hand of God. He knows what’s in store for you, so recognize early that you can’t do it alone.

But when you receive the Word, are you just a hearer? Or are you a doer?

I’ve actually been in such a routine mode of daily scripture before that  my motions – even my motives – became mechanical. Using the Holy Bible app on my iPhone, I would just plug the auxiliary cord into the car and let the audio run while I drove to work. But the words just slipped through me like noise. I wasn’t retaining anything because I wasn’t actually plugging in, only my phone was.

You don’t just hear the Word and receive His promises. By grace, you most certainly may. But grace is only given according to the measure of our faith, and our faith is strengthened through our actions. The Word specifically recites:

Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” James 1:22-23

It takes practice, patience, a little technique and active concentration. Follow the blueprint given to you, believe in it with your whole heart, receive His promises. Here are some helpful practices:

Plug In 

The evil one will throw darts at you the moment you wake up, if he hasn’t already done so in your sleep. So first-things-first – start your day with a 100% Daily Value injection of the mind-opening and spirit-awakening truth. Open your day with a verse. Either a randomly-selected verse, a sequential verse (if you are reading through the bible), or a verse you’ve tee’d yourself up for the night before. Don’t even roll over in bed until you’ve read that verse.


How does the verse fit contextually within the overall message of the chapter? Are there other, relative instances throughout the Bible? Does it relate to experiences you or someone you know has had in the past, or are currently engaged in? What are you being called to do, or how are you being asked to behave? What is the promise?


Don’t just recite – repeat. Repeat in the shower. Re-read it during your lunch break. Write it on a sticky note and put it in your pocket. Share it with a friend.


Every day is trial run. You are sharpening yourself as a tool for our LORD; you are buffing yourself as a living light for Christ. Every day is an opportunity to practice your faith and to grow in the Word. One day you are going to be called upon to perform; each verse you retain, the moments you apply the Word, and every seed you sow will help you grow in Christ, will leave you better prepared for your future and will equip you to make a Godly difference in the world.


The best way to end the day: facing up, in prayer. Did the verse bring you discernment? Did it bring you courage? Was it exactly what you needed to hear? Did it lead you to another verse that you needed to hear? Did it bring you clarity? Did it open knew doors? How are you a better person at the end of the day, because of the verse, than you were when you woke up? Thank God.

When you are ready, God will find you and will grant His promises. So be ready. Set your mind on things above by reciting and meditating on a single, strengthening promise from God in His Word by plugging into a single verse for each day of the week.

Don’t be afraid to open your mind, heart and hands to a person or situation that God is laying on your heart to pray for! Believe that His Holy Spirit in you is working!

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Mathew 7:24

Now go be doers of the word and not hearers only!